Dear Region IV Leadership,

We hope this finds you all well. We wanted to provide a brief update since this came up at the informal Region IV meeting on Thursday. The girls ID camp in Ojai was a great success. Eight participating states who covered the costs of the players, many State Staff Coaches on hand and 5 US Soccer National Staff present throughout the Camp. Both Jill Ellis and I are working on a debrief on the technical elements and hopefully we will have that for the 8/16 Cal South meeting and Region IV Alaska meetings. My understanding is that we have at least a dozen players identified and being tracked for potential inclusion into the national pools. Happy to state that these aren’t all Cal South kids and the participating states did a good job on sending quality kids. Not perfect, but very good for year 1. This is the model going forward.

US Soccer has approved the attached video which is very well done by our very own Joe McDonald. US Soccer has also given us clearance in this one instance to utilize the crest. We did our best to celebrate the diversity of states represented within the camp. We fully anticipate planning and pushing forward on the boys side as well for 2015. Please feel free to contact our Director of Marketing, Bill Lewis, for any assistance in linking the video to your state website and social media at

Steve Hoffman
Cal South Director of Coaching Education and Player Development
Cell: 805.331.1522
